captured: 04.2009 a few months ago i finally got that aa cape that i was lusting over. it's so perfect for the warm night we've been having here in la. & it's super comfy - like wearing a blanket.
39th & Broadway: Even fashion designers can get scared of a new and forward trend.
Agent Dreamer: An interview with Rachel Lanese of Crafttastrophe – designer of beautiful shoes and other wearable art.
Agent Lover: Hunting for the perfect retro bathing suit, part two.
Breakfast at Saks: A review of independent designer retailer, Moxsie and Itsola dress.
Broke & Beautiful: Miss Elle experiences amazing handmade jewelry in a video post!
Consume or Consumed: Review and hypothetically shopping at Net-A-Porter’s sister sale site: The Outnet
Culturistas: Update your wardrobe for Spring using the clothes you already have!
Dirty Laundry: How to wear Maison Martin Margiela without breaking the bank via DIY alternatives.
Fashion Pulse Daily: Perry Ellis surprises with a fall line-up of classics that with please your Dad and your hottie 20-something boyfriend simultaneously!
Felicia Sullivan: eco-friendly fashion on a budget: toggery by kate d’arcy.
Haute World: An inside look to the ever famous Louis Vuitton flagship store in Paris.
Hello Kelli: New Japanese technology creates a loose wave digital perm.
Independent Fashion Bloggers: Starting your own blog? IFB helps find the right blog platform for you. LuciteBox: HBO’s Grey Gardens – beyond the fashionable women.
Retro Chick: Celebrating one year blog birthday with a reader goodie bag giveaway.
beberkins & mang captured: 04.2009 i've starting uploading all of my non-digital picture to my flickr account. it'll probably be awhile though before i post my newer pictures like this one because i refuse to spend my money on flickr. so you/i will just have to wait till next month in order to upload/see more pictures. also, sorry i haven't been updating quite as much as i used to. in the past two weeks i've traveled to san francisco, san diego & santa barbara (tomorrow - dana point) so i just haven't had the time nor desire to update. i'll be posting pictures & movies from my trips once i get my shit together & feel like uploading them. eventually...
i do not know anyone, i repeat ANYONE, who is "cool" enough to pull this off. i like a lot of palillo's designs (especially ss09, i love every piece except this one). but i could not believe this. this jacket would have probably been fine in any other color than white. he's either ignorant or insensitive (or at least that's what i hope, rather than thinking that he is an outright hatemonger) & anyone who buys that hoodie is the same. personally, i try to avoid looking ignorant & insensitive, i strive for the opposite. maybe i just don't have a sense of humor or irony but the klu klux klan is not the height of fashion, in my opinion. the kkk just makes me sick to my stomach. on a lighter note:
i really like sam mendes so i can't wait to see this movie. & by the way, how cute does jim look with a beard? (i know that's not he's real name but in my mind he is always jim).
i love the way each of the pants look but i thoroughly doubt i could ever really pull them off. i think if i was going to get something with this type of tribal print i'd choose one of the afrika print shirts or dresses that american apparel makes.
the images used are from the hubble telescope. it just proves how beautiful our world is. i took astronomy last semester (8 hours, lab & lecture, every monday) & it was one of the most interesting courses i have ever taken. it's such an interesting subject, i feel so enlightened knowing how the universe works. astronomy has completely raised my conciousness & it also helped cement my atheism, which is a subject that i'll save for later because i can talk about it for hours & also completely offend a lot of people.
captured: fall 2005 - begining of my senior year of high school; from my boy's rolls of film that i wrote about. i was quite the mess back in those days. i have lovely bags under my eyes in the second one. a part of me is nostalgic for the amount of energy i had & my ability to party non-stop but i'm glad those days are over. the good times were killing me.