(vintage postcards does not like their images used. sorry.)
- kauai - i just flew (disastrously, i won't bore you with all the details but we missed our original flight) from lax to honolulu last night (which made it hard for me to post since i was in the air for 5 or so hours). checked into a hotel, passed out, woke up, went back to the airport (while on the way back to the airport i finally realized that i was in oahu & not hawaii [the whole time (from 11PM - 8AM) i was in oahu i thought that i was hawaii! ]& flew to lihue then took an hour drive to our family's 'home'. but trust me, it was more than worth it - i'm in paradise! i'm here with my mom, brother, boyfriend, grandma & grandpa (my mother's ex-in-laws [my parents, like some many others, are divorced]...my dad couldn't go & since my mom is still part of the fam she went instead), all of my aunts, uncles & cousins. things i love about kauai:
- it makes me happy - i've felt like a child since i arrived at our 'home' here in kauai. today jon & i just swam & scampered about like little beasts in the ocean, our 'home' is right on the beach. it's so gorgeous. in fact i can hear the waves crashing on the beach right now.
- kauai k
unana dairy's pepper jacques chevre - let me just say...HOLY GOAT SHIT! best goat cheese i have had to date. it creamy & smooth & cheesy & perfecty peppery & just all around perfect & .... uh, i'm completely unable to articulate how AMAZING this cheese is. ok, just look at that goat! how could a lei wearing goat not produce something super delicious. i'm so into their cheese i think that i may take a tour of their farms because, according to their site, you're able to do so with an appointment. i want to try to try each flavor that they make but i'll only be here a week....so that means goat cheese for every meal! i must be in heaven! i haven't tried any of their other non-cheese products but if you interested you could check them out here or if you live in the area/vacationing here then you should try to obtain some goodies, the dairy has a list of places that sell their goods on their website.
- its nickname is the garden island - (not to be confused with the garden state. on a side note: kauai probably makes new jersey ashamed to call himself a garden state. kauai probably makes new jersey cry himself to sleep because it can't compete with kauai.) back on topic...this island is bursting with flora & fauna. there is more nature here than i could ever hope to frolic in. i'm so eager to prowl around & explore. when i come back i'm going to be a jungle woman.
- andy rooney - is hilarious. my boyfriend & i cannot get enough of him. he is the epitome of a crotchety old man - he makes a living out of complaining! sometimes he seems borderline insane with his tirades (watch: eat more fruit). but he is more than just a grumpy old man, he also is quite eloquent, poignant & totally right (watch: a memorial day worth remembering). i just love his kick-ass, no nonsense, unabashed manner. some words of wisdom from rooney:
- "I wish we could dedicate Memorial Day, not to the memory of those who have died at war, but to the idea of saving the lives of the young people who are going to die in the future if we don’t find some new way - some new religion maybe - that takes war out of our lives. That would be a Memorial Day worth celebrating."
- "I don't like food that's too carefully arranged; it makes me think that the chef is spending too much time arranging and not enough time cooking. If I wanted a picture I'd buy a painting."
- "I just wish we knew a little less about his urethra and a little more about his arms sales to Iran."
- "The average bright young man who is drafted hates the whole business because an army always tries to eliminate the individual differences in men."
- (quotes from brainy quote with the exception of the first one)
- kid's birthday parties - too much fun. i forget that i am a 20 year old young woman & i turn into a 6 year old boy. i want to eloborate more but like few weeks back i puttered out & had to postpone my elaboration until the next tilt. well, this time i won't make you wait too long.
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